Dominican Driver’s License

Dominican Driver’s License

Driver’s License in Dominican Republic

Your Trusted Immigration Partner in the Dominican Republic

Obtain Your Dominican Driver’s License

Driving in the Dominican Republic? We assist you in obtaining your Dominican driver’s license, guiding you through the application process and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Need a Dominican Driver’s License?

Your international driver’s license may last awhile, but it might be better for you to eventually get a Dominican license.

Driver’s Permit Info

Those interested in obtaining a driver’s permit must fulfill the following requisites:

Required Documents

To obtain a learner’s permit

To Obtain Your First Driver’s License

To Renew a Driver’s License

Change of Origin (from a foreign to a national driver’s license)

Where can all of these procedures be carried out?

In Santo Domingo:

Central Office of the Transit Office.

COST: US$200.00

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