Residency Services


Secure Your Residency in the Dominican Republic

Make the Dominican Republic your home with our comprehensive residency services. We assist you in meeting the residency requirements, handling the necessary documentation, and making the process efficient and successful.

Dominican Republic Temporary Residency Card

Temporary Residency

This residency classification is designed for those who wish to reside or work in the country for a period of up to one year. After obtaining residency, the foreign national has the option of renewing provisional residency on a yearly basis until the fourth year. 

Dominican Republic Permanent Residency

Permanent Residency

Foreign nationals who wish to remain in the country for an indefinite period of time must apply for Permanent Residency.  Foreign nationals who maintain provisional residency status for four consecutive years will qualify to apply for permanent residency on the fifth year.

Dominican Republic Permanent Residency Carnet

Investment Residency (Fast track permanent residency)

In 2007 a formal law was created incorporating a new incentive for Investors.  This law stipulate that once you already have the RESIDENCY VISA and arrive to DR, you apply directly to PERMANENT RESIDENCY.

Dominican Provisional Residency Renewal

Temporary Residency Renewal

The renewal process only requires you make one trip to the Immigration office.  We will handle the entire process and call you for a one-time appointment to pick up your residency card. Please contact us for a free quote.

Dominican Republic Permanent Residency Renewal

Permanent Residency Renewal

 The renewal process of permanent residency is done every four years and involves a medical exam. Please contact us for a free quote.

Dominican Republic Permanent Residency Renewal

Investment Residency Renewal (Fast Track)

 The renewal process of permanent residency is done every four years and involves a medical exam. Please contact us for a free quote.

Would you like to speak on of our consultant over phone? Call us 809-365-5016

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Interested in living, investing, or working in the Dominican Republic? Our YouTube channel offers exclusive videos with guides, interviews, and practical tips to help you through the immigration process.

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Abreu Immigration Youtube Channel